In the beginning year of High School, freshmen tend to struggle or get nervous around their peers from the higher grade. Coming into a new school year...
The year of 2023 has provided future classics such as Barbie, Oppenheimer, and Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse. More movies are set to release that...
Start the new year right and create a vision board of goals you want to achieve. Growth is possible with discipline, consistency and an open mind. When...
The Girls Varsity Basketball team had their very first game of the season against Seed on November 13, 2023. The girls won their game with an incredible score of 44-5. Currently, the team is in CIF Semifinals,...
To explain this playlist we are giving our opinions on the best songs for Nov/Dec. These songs include Soft music, RnB, Christmas Music, and Hip hop. Mellow...
Study Playlist: 28 Songs, 1 Hour 22 Minutes For those who enjoy studying with music on. Mellow, short and sweet. Spotify Link: Apple...
Midterms and Finals- no one likes them. Everyone asks what’s the point of them? They are tests that can either make or break your grade. “They are...