Battle of the Classes: Spirit Week Recap
The aviators celebrated spirit week after going through a stressful week with midterms. All throughout the week, students were able to dress up according to the theme on that day and take part in lunchtime activities. Spirit week came to an end with national ball and the Fallback dance on Friday.
Monday was college day, and students were able to wear a shirt or sweater representing a college or university. It was eye opening to see what colleges other students represented. Teachers also supported wearing college shirts/sweaters; Ms. Enger gave out treats to anyone representing UCLA. During lunch, the classes went against each other in volleyball.

Following college day, students were able to participate in twin day. Students paired up with one another and showed up to school with matching outfits, from the same style to the same color. During lunch, each class played basketball against one another.

Wednesday was superhero/super villain day and the aviators were able to wear a sweater or shirt with a superhero or villain on it. Common superhero/villain t-shirts or sweaters seen throughout school were “Batman” and “Superman.” The lunchtime activity was an obstacle course/relay race.

Thursday was Cancer Awareness day and students were allowed to wear anything pink or yellow/gold. The pink symbolizes breast cancer and the gold/yellow represents children who have cancer. Seeing so many people wear pink and gold was very heartwarming, especially because many people wearing the colors know a close relative who is fighting cancer. During lunch, the aviators danced the “Caballo Dorado,” which led up to dance music played afterward, courtesy of the Sound Club.

The final day of spirit week was Spirit Day. Each class wore their spirit shirts, which represented their class color. The school was decorated with red from the cafeteria to the basketball courts, representing the senior class. The classes played nationball against one another and the seniors took the win. Ultimately the seniors won spirit week, the juniors landed second place, the freshmen came in third, and the sophomores got last place.
Spirit week came to an official end after the Fallback dance later that Friday. The Cafeteria was decorated and transformed into a dance floor. ASB and HMSA’s Sound Club worked hard for the ultimately successful dance.