Everybody Wants Some…of the 80s!!
Are you ready for a film that’ll give you 80s rewind? I know I am.
Ah, the 80s. It’s probably the decade your parents grew up in as teens. I know plenty of people look back at that decade as being their “wonder years.” What exactly is it about the ideas that make it so spectacular? It doesn’t seem as great as the 60s when their was a full-blown revolution going on and the embrace of more and more bizarre countercultures. It’s not like the 70s when disco was alive and well and everyone seemed like they were ready for an adventure, not to mention the amazing fashion filled with psychedelic colors it borrowed from the 60s and a new style all its own that cannot be compared.
Flash forward to the 90s and you’ve got yourself a period of time when technology was slowly but surely upgrading. It was the period of grunge and some of the best music albums to ever grace this earth. Some of the best–no most of the best–sitcoms came out of this period. Now what has the 80s got to offer? Hmm, a bunch of cheesy one-hit-wonders (you have to give it to them though for having some of the most catchy music)? And look at crop tops! The girls from Bananarama were rocking them way before you were. Sure, there were those cheesy one-hit-wonders, but some of the best bands came out of the 80s: Queen, Iron Maiden, Duran Duran, Aerosmith, Blondie, and so much more. So yeah, they were pretty well-developed when it comes to the music department I’ll give them that. Some of the coolest video games were made in the 80s! If you thought playing video games now was cool, I guarantee the delight in such a new form of entertainment would have made the experience even better. I think really what makes the 80s so unique is that there was a cultural shift. There was countercultures like in every decade, but this was different. Everyone was aware of it. It was like they knew how society was changing and they loved the idea of it…or at least that’s how my parents make it seem. The 80s seem like a hallmark of history that will forever remain under-appreciated by those who will never get to truly enjoy it’s presence in their lives.
What does any of this have to do with a film? Everything! On April 8th, the new film Everybody Wants Some!! by director Richard Linklater (also the director of that awesome movie with Jack Black, School of Rock), comes to theaters everywhere. According to the trailer, the movie is the sequel to Richard Linklater’s, Dazed and Confused, which is supposed to be this awesome movie about these high schoolers who have an amazing adventure. I’ve never seen it, but it sounds like a pretty cool movie. That movie took place in the 70s to be specific 1976, this one will take place in the 80s and since it’s the sequel we can guess this is just an intro to college life. Since it’s not out yet I’ve only seen the trailer which kept popping up on my YouTube ads. I finally decided to watch the full thing and was pleasantly surprised.
The movie follows around a guys’ baseball team in college filled with partying, breaking the rules, tons of girls, hazing or what they probably called their “initiation,” and of course, the main guy. The protagonist that we’ll all fall in love with. I can already tell from the trailer that the protagonist is likable and he’s the kind of character you really root for. The movie is rated R, however, so make sure to bring your parents if they’ve seen “Dazed and Confused” and enjoyed it. The movie is nearly 2 hours and you would think, how much of a baseball team can you really take, but the movie has many reviews with an overwhelming majority of them being positive. Hopefully, you get the chance to watch this movie and experience a time we’ll truly never know: The 80s.