The Walking Dead – Recap: “Not Tomorrow Yet” (06×12)

Last week’s episode of The Walking Dead starts off with our favorite character baking cookies. Yes, Carol! It’s great to see her doing well. Well, it looks like that, anyway.

She offers Tobin some cookies and the two flirt for a while before she leaves him to see Rick and the group who have arrived from their little field trip at the other community.

Later, Morgan approaches Carol, tries to talk to her, but she shuts him down. She drops a cookie on Sam Anderson’s grave and then leaves. She no doubt feels partly responsible for his death. Remember when Sam freaked out a few episodes back because he remembered Carol’s harsh words about the monsters? Yup.

The group meet at the church and Rick tells them, “We have to come for them [Negan’s group] before they come for us.” Everyone but Morgan agrees with the plan.

The night before the plan is put to motion, Carol writes on her diary that’s full of names and abbreviations. Turns out, it’s a list of all of the people she’s had to kill. I realized this immediately after seeing “K” and “D.” Remember Karen and David back in season three? She adds onto her list, keeping track of all of the burdens she has to carry. She has a little chat with Tobin later and sadly, they kiss. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Carol is happy, but all of my Daryl and Carol feels completely deflated. My ship has sunk. Oh, well.

I’m glad at least that Tobin acknowledged the fact that Carol is the mother of the entire group because she deals with hardships and holds a great deal of responsibility for the better good of the group.

Meanwhile, Abraham chooses the worst time to break up with Rosita. He tells her, “When I first met you, I thought you were the last woman on Earth. You’re not.” Ouch.

Rosita cries. I cried, a little. Then, Eugene appears out of nowhere with a cookie in his hand and says, “You tried one of these? They’re chewy.” As emotional and intense as this scene was supposed to be, I couldn’t stop laughing after hearing Eugene’s comment. And I know I’m not the only one who thought this.

The following morning, Heath and Glenn take out a Walker and chop of its head. They discuss the mission. They’re one of the few people of the group who have been lucky enough to survive that long without killing anyone. Anyone living, at least. Walkers don’t count.

Maggie decides to guard the perimeter while everyone heads out to Negan’s compound. Carol stays by Maggie’s side, furious that she’s there in the first place. Afterall, Maggie is pregnant.  

The group lay out three of the Walkers’ heads on the ground and try to decide on which one looks more like Gregory. Remember, Negan wants Gregory’s head in exchange for this guy named Craig who he currently has as a hostage. They select a head, but Jesus says that the nose is a little crooked. Then, Rick takes it upon himself to start punching the Walker’s head, which is hilarious because he does it so casually. The guy beside Jesus tells Rick that the Saviors [Negan’s men] are scary, but they got nothing on him.

At night, the guy who was with Jesus gives one of Negan’s men the Walker’s head. Thinking that it’s Gregory, the Savior starts to play with the head, which is absolutely sickening and disturbing. He gives Craig back and Rick’s group silently kill the Savior.

They invade the compound and start to massacre Negan’s men in their sleep. Watching Glenn do his first kill was heart-rending. He was practically bawling. He’s practically the moral compass of the group ever since Hershel died. It was so sad to see another bit of his innocence being taken away.

A Savior attacks Abraham. Sasha saves Abraham and kills the savior, but not before he has a chance to pull an alarm that goes off throughout the compound. I knew something like this was going to happen. I was one hundred percent certain that their “discreet” plan was going to fail somehow.

Not that I wished something bad was going to happen, but it’s The Walking Dead. C’mon. Something bad always happens.

The group finish off the saviors and exit the compound unscathed. Physically, that is. I’m pretty sure everyone’s an emotional wreck right now. Especially poor Glenn and Heath.

And right when you think the worst is over as everyone embraces after the seemingly accomplished mission, a walkie talkie goes off on the ground.

The episode wraps up with a lady telling them that they have a Carol and a Maggie.

Like I said before, it’s The Walking Dead. Something bad always happens.