The Shannara Chronicles – Recap: “Safehold” and “Ellcrys” (1×09 and 1×10)

I hope you haven’t been waiting too long for this? Well I guess we should just get started. Episode 9 of the  Shannara Chronicles aired February 23, 2016.

Amberle, Wil and Eretria finally arrive to Safehold, which was their main purpose. Once they get there, they see a destroyed bridge and are forced to take a tunnel. They enter the tunnel and Amberle suggests to split up. Really Amberle? Your’e going to let Wil alone with Eretria?

Wil and Eretria connect with each other about their experiences in life, especially discussing their issues about their fathers. Then, once they are united again, Amberle enters a room full of sleeping trolls. They try to go past the room without waking up the trolls since you know what happened the last they messed with trolls? Eretria nd Amberle go first and are able to pass the trolls, but Wil suddenly drops the bag of Elfstones. Wil is luckily able to grab the bag of Elfstones before it’s too late.

Next, they head to some sort of destroyed church. They are unsure in what to do at this point until two mysterious women show up. They state to be the Bloodfire caretakers, but can this be true? The women began to question them. One states that Amberle isn’t worthy and that Wil is not worthy as well to protect anything.

Anyhow, the women try to turn Amberle and Eretria against each other and they accomplish it when they tell Eretria that it’s unfair that Amberle gets to keep Wil and continue her life, while she stays alone. They start fighting each other and Wil attempts to stop them by getting in between, but Wil accidentally cuts Eretria’s hand. Erertia then sees that her blood is the key to enter the Bloodfire. Everything goes out of control at this point. Amberle enters the Bloodfire with Eretria’s blood although she is prevented at first by the women ,but Wil uses his Elfstones to kill them. Eretria is on the ground suffering from blood loss and is weak. Wil on the other hand is left affected because he used the Elfstones to kill the women. Back in Arbolon, Bandon tries to kill Ander with a sword, Ander as mentioned before is the king of the Elven Kingdom after his father and brother are killed. Fortunately, Allanon arrives in time to stop the killing of Ander. The Dagda Mor is the one influencing Bandon’s mind, so that explains why Bandon would do such thing. What they most feared throughout this whole series has happened. The Ellcrys tree finally drops its final leave, liberating all the bad demons.The Ellcrys tree is officially dead! I can’t believe the Shannara Chronicles has come to an end and the final episode of season one aired March 1, 2016. Enough talking, lets get to what we have been waiting since the series started. As mentioned before Amberle enters the Bloodfire and sees an exact replica of herself, which reveals to Amberle that she is the only one able to save the Ellcrys since she is the seed. Wil in the meantime is able to bring Eretria back to life using the Elfstones. Well at least Eretria is better right?

Amberle continues talking to her replica and now she is given a decision that can change everything. Amberle has to let go of Wil and save the Ellcrys tree or basically let the demons take over and kill everybody. Which one would you pick? I wouldn’t want to be in Amberle’s shoes to be honest.

Amberle returns back to where Wil and Eretria are with a made up mind on what to do. Then, the trolls show up trying to ruin the day as always. Eretria, which seems to be the one always left behind stays to help Amberle and Wil escape. As stated before in the previous episode Bandon tried to kill Ander ,so he was imprisoned, but soon escapes. Not only did the trolls show up again in this episode ,but also the demons. The demons try to attack everyone in Arborlon, but are stopped. Well, not totally stopped because Dagda Mor attacks Allanon and heads Wil and Amberle’s way. Wil using his Elfstones is able to stop the demon and Allanon finishes him by cutting his head. Amberle has to tell Wil about sacrificing herself to save everyone from the demons. Wil doesn’t take the news well, but I mean who would?

Sadly, Amberle literally becomes the Ellcyrs tree.  There is no longer no demons and everyone is safe. Typical ending in my opinion. Wil leaves Arborlon and decides to get back to help Eretria, which as stated before she stayed behind. Bandon is still in the free since his escape, leading us to think what his next actions could be. I never trusted Bandon from the beginning, but Amberle had to help him when they found him in the barn. The episode ends as we see Eretria now in the hands of trolls and Eretria seems to recognize someone from the group.

That was fun while it lasted,but I truly  hope there is a season two. I would love to know what happens next and who the mysterious person is that Eretria recognizes. Could it be a new character? I also hope that you enjoyed watching the series as much as I did.