America, you used to be a hero
The land of Freedom
The land of equality
What happened to you?
Did you forget your origins?
Did you forget you were made by immigrants?
Countries send people to help when you’re on fire
You kick them out
They come to you in desperation
You deny them entry
The youth cries for help
You silence them
Sailing for miles for broken dreams
Walking for miles for false promises
Flying for miles for denied entry
Many methods but one goal in mind
America where did you go
Where is the America our grandparents mentioned
Where is the dream they overworked themselves for
Where is the equality you portray
We pledge allegiance to the flag everyday
You portray Democracy but fall for currency
Justice for all but only for all of those with wealth
O, let America be America again
The land that everyone admires
The land where color doesn’t matter
The land where everyone is united
One nation under God