Humans of HMSA: Mr. Kim
Why did you decide to become a teacher?
It’s kinda hard to explain simply so I mean I just like teaching. It just kinda ended up fitting as a career path.
Why did you decide to become a physics teacher?
Like I said, I like teaching and I like physics. So put two and two together.
What made you decide to come teach at HMSA?
To be honest, the initial decision was just like, Oh there’s an available spot. I do enjoy it though, like it’s a small, community school. Kinda makes it easy to fit into. So, generally, it’s kinda nice
Is HMSA up to your expectations as a teacher?
To be honest ,I don’t have that many places of comparison, but, I mean, I like it.
How does this year’s in school teaching compare to last year’s all online teaching?
Well, obviously, it’s very different because last year it was a lot of just talking to the wall. A lot of just like, I’ll put you in breakout rooms, and all that stuff. So this year, obviously, just teaching in person is a lot different for that aspect, but I also think because students got too used to online school style last year; there’s a bit of a learning curve to get some of them back on a regular class pace. I’ll leave it at that.

Joshua is a Landscape/Wildlife photographer who typically spends his free time playing with friends. He has been a photographer for around 5 years. He...