Interview With Rhea Jadhav


Christian Alexander, Editor-In-Chief

Who exactly is Rhea Jadhav? She’s the Freshman Class Secretary, that’s who.

The initial ASB Elections took place back way in September, around the beginning of the school year. Some positions were unfilled, including the Secretary position for the Class of 2022, the freshman class. When this position was up for grabs again during the Special Elections held later in the year, Rhea Jadhav felt like taking a leap of faith and trying out for the job. She signed up and dominated the competition. I wanted to find out more about what she did:

“As the ASB Secretary for the Freshman class, what do you do, exactly? For your class, and the whole school?”

“I try to help the other members, because [some of] the other members don’t do [much], unfortunately. I help by organizing, and I end up doing almost everything because everyone else doesn’t do anything, unfortunately.”

I encouraged her to look on the bright side of things: “You don’t want to give out answers like that to the school Newspaper. You know how some people act really nice? Be like that.”

*laughs* This is too much.

“I know you ran for Secretary during the Special Elections and won. Why didn’t you run for Secretary in ASB when the position was first available?”

“Because I was always a President in my middle school, and I was never Secretary. As President, I would always take responsibilities, and be sure to help in organizing.”

While she felt like the shift from Presidential status to Secretary was a bit of a downgrade, I could tell that Rhea thoroughly enjoys being a Secretary, and contributing to the Associated Student Body.

“What’s one thing about ASB that nobody else seems to know? What’s one juicy secret that only you know?”

“There are actually no secrets because ASB is really open. Although everyone, myself included, agrees that we need to change the Freshman class.”

She’s not wrong. There’s always room for improvement where the Associated Student Body is concerned.

“What do you do for fun on the weekends?”

“I like to read, and I’m really into science & fantasy books. And I also read Indian books as well.”

“What are your thoughts on the Secretary position as a whole; not just your role as one, but also how ASB Secretaries are in general.”

“Being a Secretary is a lot of work because you have to organize things that others will need later on, and so you have a lot of responsibility.”

I’m the Executive Secretary of ASB, and I agreed: “You right.”

“As a freshman, what’s it like to balance ASB while integrating into HMSA for the first time? In terms of getting accustomed to the style of the school, grades, and all that.”

“Everything is so different. I came from a different country, and so everything is different. This is a completely different hemisphere.”

Hold the phone. Rhea’s an immigrant from India that moved to America. I had no idea prior to this interview. You really do learn more and more every day. It was interesting to learn how different things might be for Rhea coming over here to America, and was something I hadn’t known about her before.

“Everything is so different, from the customs, the way that people talk,” she continued.

“If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would you bring with you, and why?”

“I have no idea.”

An honest answer from an honest Secretary.

While defenseless in the event of a zombie apocalypse, Rhea is well-defended in terms of her ideals and plans to contribute to HMSA events like Intramurals or Pep Rallies by being a representative of her class in Associate Student Body.