A 14 Year Old that Traveled the World
March 15, 2018
On Friday 23, 2018, Laura Dekker visited HMSA to talk about her journey around the world when she was only 14 years old.
Laura Dekker was brought to HMSA through Mr. Schulz who is the coordinator for LifeSail. On February 21, 2018, Mr. Berumen sent out a Google Form to sign up for the presentation during CP. The form asked a simple question of why you want to attend the presentation. This presentation was opened to all students, not just those who are in LifeSail.
Life Sail is an after school club at HMSA where members learn about sailing. Senior Keyana C. said, “LifeSail is a program that specializes in helping students understand sailing through boat-building and seamanship. Members get to use tools and handy equipment to build boats and sail them!” LifeSail is an engaging club that takes time and effort in order to build a boat and eventually having the opportunity to sail it. LifeSail also helps students learn about the water and how boats function, an important skill that may be used in the future.
During the presentation Laura Dekker mainly talked about her sailing across the world and the problems she encountered through the way. According to senior Reginald R., Laura Dekker mentioned, “being alone, and seeing the ocean with the stars at night was so beautiful;” the listeners were able to visualize the situation Laura Dekker went through and how at times being alone might have been scary.
Besides talking about her journey around the world, Laura Dekker also talked about her love for the ocean and her inspiration to go travel the world through the seas. She talked about her personal life and the situation with her parents regaining custody of her. An important point Laura Dekker mentioned was the negative comments people were telling her about sailing around the world. All these negative comments caused her to have doubt in herself. She was able to look past that and have confidence in herself, causing her to become the youngest person who sailed around the world.
The presentation gave students many insights and motivation to follow their dreams even if others doubt them. When asked what she learned from this presentation, senior Victoria H. said, “I learned that I am my own worst enemy when it comes to not achieving any goals I have.” Laura Dekker as well as many other students can relate to this statement, since doubt in ourselves is what causes people to not be successful.
When asked if HMSA should do more of these types of presentations all three students agreed. Having more presentations according to Reginald “inspires students to do what their passion is, and if they haven’t found it they can look for what makes them happy.” These types of presentations allow students to see the success people achieve through hard work and determination even though others may disagree and push them down.
Laura Dekker gave a presentation on February 23, 2018. Students, who attended the presentation, enjoyed Laura Dekker’s presentation and were able to learn from someone who pursued their dreams.