Alumni Day is a Success!
All the Alumni that participated in Alumni Day.
February 23, 2018
Graduates of Hawthorne Math and Science Academy came to talk to students on Thursday, January 11, 2018 for HMSA’s first Alumni Day.
Alumni Day is when graduates of HMSA come back to talk to students about their high school experience and their life after high school. Some of the Alumni had jobs and they talked about the steps they took to be in the position they are now. The Alumni ranged from the first graduating class of HMSA, 2007, to those of recent years. Guided by student volunteers, the Alumni spoke to different classes, from Freshman to Seniors. The event was a great way to help both students who are sure and unsure of what they want to do with their future after high school and college gain a new perspective.
In Mrs. Garcia’s homeroom there were three graduates that were all from the graduating year, 2007. Last year’s graduates visited other homerooms. Hawthorne Math and Science Academy started out in an elementary school before it was able to become the school it is today. The 2007 graduates were the first ones to graduate from HMSA. The Alumni talked about how they did not have log entries, instead they were sent to the Principal’s office. They also talked about how they tried to protest the uniforms by wearing neon bright colored hoodies and bracelets. The stories were very fascinating.
Besides talking about the history of Hawthorne Math and Science Academy, one of them mentioned that they were working in the same job they have now for a few years. But, then they decided to change their career path. The Alumni told the students it’s okay to change career paths if it becomes something you may no longer enjoy. This was extremely insightful since many students are unsure what their career path may be; some are afraid of studying something for years only to find out they do not enjoy it anymore.
When asked about how they felt overall about Alumni Day, a freshman who did not want to be mentioned stated, “Alumni Day was very helpful. It helped inform me on college life and the sports teams in college.” A junior was also asked the same question and they had similar views, saying, “It was helpful knowing about the variety of majors. I did learn about college and how hard it is for many to manage their time with work.” Overall, both students enjoyed Alumni Day and were able to learn something for the future.
At the end of the day I personally learned that government jobs have better benefits and you can always change your career path regardless of how many years you spend studying the subject. Although Alumni Day was only about half an hour, it allowed students and Alumni to connect and share their experiences they have at HMSA. Students were able to get an insight of life after HMSA.
I asked Ms. Castellanos, Vice Principal of HMSA, what her thoughts on Alumni Day were. She had this to say: “The Alumni Day was a great success in giving current students insight into what to expect at HMSA and after graduation. It was great to hear former students say that they felt prepared for college.” Ms. Castellanos was also asked if Alumni Day was now going to be an annual thing: “The counseling department is planning to alternate Career Day and Alunmi Day every year so that students listen to different perspectives, and hopefully learn more about how to persevere through challenges and what are the next steps to achieve their goals.”
Teachers, Alumni, and students alike enjoyed Alumni Day. The first ever Alumni Day at Hawthorne Math and Science Academy was a success!