The Walking Dead – Recap: “Always Accountable” (06×06)
It’s nice to finally rewind a little and see that Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha are still in one piece. Since the Season 6 premiere of AMC’s The Walking Dead, the trio haven’t really been getting a lot of screen time. So, on Sunday, we were finally able to breath again after watching episode six–Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha are safe. Well, for the first few seconds of the episode at least.
The episode opens with the trio continuing their mission from the season premiere. They’re leading a hoard of zombies, or rather, “Walkers” away from the community of Alexandria. Their mission is nearly complete–they have traveled approximately twenty miles away from Alexandria, but are interrupted by gunshots. Keep in mind that the Wolves don’t have arms (so this gunfire can possibly be coming from a new threat).
The trio are then separated leaving Daryl riding his motorcycle into the woods, while Sasha and Abraham drive their car into a wooden fence. Sasha and Abraham emerge from the wreckage, and find one walker minding its own business a few yards away from them. Before Abraham can stab the thing, Sasha stops him and says, “Don’t. You’re smarter than that. We don’t need to leave bread crumbs.” Oh, Sasha. But you know that Abraham likes killing Walkers for sport…
What was amazing about this episode was how they captured the theme of clinging onto humanity perfectly. Sure, it’s a reoccurring theme in the series–usually being projected when one of the main characters fall astray and get help “going back” with the aid of another character–but some episodes put a larger emphasis on the theme than others. This one is one of them. In this case, Abraham is the character who needs a little pep talk. And he gets it soon.
Meanwhile, Daryl encounters two strange girls in the woods who claim that they earned what they took. Before Daryl can do anything though, he is knocked down from behind by a man traveling with the girls. When Daryl wakes up, he finds himself tied up and stripped from his crossbow. Thinking that Daryl is part of the group that were firing earlier, the man threatens to shoot Daryl if he speaks.
The four of them walk through the forest together (with Daryl tied up), and Daryl learns that these people are searching for someone named “Patty.” One of the girls, Tina, passes out, and Daryl takes this opportunity to steal his crossbow back along with the bag the man was carrying.
In order to find Daryl, Sasha and Abraham decide to stay put inside a building, write Daryl’s last name on the front door, and wait for him to find them. They bicker for a bit, but Sasha soon puts Abraham in his place. Abraham wants to kill a Walker behind a solid and locked door; however, Sasha stops him once again and repeats that there is no need to kill the Walkers when they don’t impose a threat. Here, she delivers one of my favorite lines,
“Maybe you play some chicken with the ground, you pull the rip chord, and you live. But if you have a roof over your head, you have walls, you have choices. And without Walkers and bullets […] you are accountable for them.”
Ah, we finally get to why this episode is entitled “Always Accountable.” This illuminating scene really made Sasha shine. She tells Abraham that there’s a difference between doing reckless things when you have no choice and your life is on the line, and doing reckless things when you’re already safe due to pride. This, really gave the stubborn redhead something to think about.
Daryl searches for Abraham and Sasha, but he stops his search short when he opens the bag he stole from the man and finds a cooler with insulin. Realizing that Tina passed out because she didn’t take her insulin shot, Daryl actually returns to the man who threatened to shoot him earlier and returns his bag.
Daryl is just amazing.
Unfortunately, Tina gets bit by two walkers and the man and the other girl he was traveling with turn against Daryl even after Daryl offered them a home in Alexandria. How rude!
The man and girl steal Daryl’s signature crossbow (again) and take off with his motorcycle. Well, at least they left him a few tissues to “patch up his wounds,” right?
Luckily, while Daryl was moping around in the woods probably thinking about how mistrustful people are nowadays, he finds a functioning truck named “Patrick” (I guess Patty wasn’t a person after all) hidden beneath a bunch of bushes.
He takes off on Patrick, and finally reunites with Sasha and Abraham.
Alas, the trio are back on track, and as they make their way back to Alexandria, Daryl tries to contact Rick with his walkie-talkie.
The episode then wraps up with an unfamiliar voice replying instead.