First Spirit Week of the Year!
Photo provided by Yearbok Staff
Seniors posing for quick picture before Nationball begins.
December 1, 2017
Midterms are finally over, and it is now time for Spirit Week! On Monday, October 30, the first of two Spirit Weeks began. Spirit Week lasted 5 days, ending Friday, November 3. Spirit Week is a time for fun-filled activities and themed days. In order to participate in the lunch activities, students needed to sign up by Ms. Kratz’s office before lunch on the day of the activity.
The week was kicked off with College Monday. Students were allowed to wear a college shirt and/or a college sweater. The activity for Monday was volleyball, where each class went against each other to compete for the most points during Spirit Week. After School, the class of 2019 sold popcorn.
The week continued with Sports Tuesday. The attire for this day was a shirt or jersey of a professional team. During lunch, the classes went against each other in a game of basketball. The snacks for Tuesday, popsicles, were sold by the class of 2020 after school.
Up next was Movie/Animation Wednesday. Students were allowed to wear shirts and/or sweaters of any real or animated movies/shows. During lunch, it was time to put the students’ and staffs’ knowledge of movies to the test! It was time for Name that Movie! A snippet of a song from a movie was played and someone guessed the movie. After school, the class of 2018 sold pizza. Second to last was Throwback Thursday. Students wore outfits from past years, such as 1980s. The lunch activity was bean bag toss. The class of 2021 sold mini-chocolate muffins after school.
Like every year, Spirit Week ended with Spirit Day! Students wore their class shirt. In order to play nationball, the day was cut to an activity schedule. The last hour and a half was left to play nationball. The first round was seniors vs freshmen, with the seniors winning. Up next came juniors vs sophomores, and the sophomores won. Onto round 2: seniors vs sophomores. The seniors won again, taking 1st place. Competing for third place were the juniors vs freshmen, and the juniors won. Unfortunately, the seniors weren’t able to go against the teachers and alumni. After school, the senior class continued the tradition of selling root beer floats.
After dealing with midterms, students were able to have a fun-filled week. We can say that the first Spirit Week of the year was a success!