Link Crew’s First Conference!
The poster Lawndale’s Link Crew made for HMSA.
December 2, 2017
On Monday, October 23, eighteen Link Crew Leaders and a handful of school staff members visited Lawndale High School for HMSA’s first Link Crew conference of the school year. The Link Crew conference was for the Link Crew leaders to learn new strategies and ideas on talking to the freshmen. Because of the conference, the Link Crew leaders were able to talk with other leaders to see how their Link Crew program was doing. The Link Crew leaders are juniors and seniors that are talented and helpful students who want to assist freshmen during their first year of high school. The crew’s goal is to talk with freshmen and offer them useful tips on study habits and anything else that will help them get through the school year successfully.
The group of students and school staff members left HMSA around 8:00 am and made their way to Lawndale High School. The event took place in the high school’s large gymnasium. Senior Lillianna N. spoke about her experience at the Link Crew conference: “We had a speaker, Geoff McLachlan, talk to us about what Link Crew really means to the freshman and how much of an impact we make on their lives. One of the activities we did was raise our hand and find a partner. Once we found a partner, we talked to them, getting to know one another. This helped us connect with our freshman more and [we learned] how we can help them succeed.” These ice breaker activities will allow the freshmen to open up to the Link Crew members a lot easier and faster. Junior Seifer C. said he enjoyed his time at the Link Crew conference: “It was a blast. We met a lot of people from different schools and talked about ways to be better people and to help the ones around us.”
After a long morning at the conference, it was time for the HMSA Link Crew to head back to school. They arrived back to school around 12:30 pm and continued the rest of the day. The Link Crew leaders were able to bring back to school new ideas they learned at the conference. Link Crew can now try the new ideas and strategies with the freshmen to help improve Link Crew as a whole.