Back to School Night 2017
Mr. Dura welcoming the parents, explain his expectations.
Back to School Night was the perfect opportunity for students from all grade levels to show their parents around the school, introduce them to their new teachers, and possibly a few assignments they’ve worked on in class. Parents are given a few minutes to look around in each classroom and to listen to the teachers give a short greeting. This 2017-2018 school year, Back to School Night took place on Thursday, September 21st.
During Back to School Night, the library was open for anyone who wanted to buy any great books at HMSA’s 3rd annual book fair. Every grade level’s lit circle books were available for purchase at the book fair, as well as a large variety of other popular books. Many students helped out, at the library, during the book fair and had a great time seeing all the enthusiastic readers. One of the helpers, Senior Sharleen B., says, “The feeling of the book fair was reminiscent of quiet little book stores you’d find walking around and was a nice place to be at. The atmosphere of the book fair was relaxing, but could be quite lively when people came in to peruse the selection of books available.”
In an effort to encourage more students to attend Back to School Night, HMSA promised a free dress pass or spirit shirt and jeans pass to the grade levels with the most students present. It was a close one, but this time there were no ties: The class of 2021 came in first place and the class of 2018 came shortly behind in second place. The freshmen were allowed to wear free dress and the seniors were allowed to wear their class spirit shirts and jeans on Monday, October 2nd. Hopefully, this small incentive will encourage more students from all four grade levels to attend next year’s Back to School Night.
Back to School Night this year was a success, just like the past years. This day allows parents of students, especially freshmen parents, to get familiar with the HMSA staff and campus. Hopefully you had the chance to participate in Back to School Night and experience the campus in a new way.