Get Blown Away At The Getty
One of the many beautiful views at the Getty.
Mr. Launius’ 5th period Anthropology class and 2nd period AP Government class visited the Getty Center on October 30, 2015.
The Getty Center is home to various forms of art, including paintings and sculptures.
Senior Jonathan C. connected with the museum’s contents: “It was a trip to see the beautiful art and cultures of our past and … [to] admire [their] beauty.”
Senior Genesis H. was blown away by the art: “It was too beautiful to look at.” She wished she could “get closer to appreciate every detail.”
The Getty Center also presented various old and new exhibits. Senior Jonathan C. enjoyed the French furniture exhibit. Senior Francisco C. enjoyed the new Roman sculpture exhibit. It “gave [him] a new found appreciation for art.”
The two classes returned to school just in time for Nation Ball.