Is The Classroom Safe?
On Dec. 1, 2016, a 7-year-old boy named Trayvon was thrown against a wall by a 25-year-old male teacher named Timothy Korr. The impact of the wall caused the young boy’s jaw to break, the loss of two teeth, and a tooth to become lodged in his gum. According to his mother he will make a full recovery, but he will need surgery for the reconstruction of his jaw. The parents disbelief lingers through social media and the internet on how any adult could commit such actions towards a child.
Timothy Korr stated his actions were strictly disciplinary, but then later changes his statement by stating he “threw himself in the wall.” He stated Trayvon had been quite disruptive in class and his removal was necessary. He will be charged with child abuse, second-degree assault, and reckless endangerment of a minor.
No matter how disruptive or disobedient a child is, violence is never the answer; there are proper disciplinary actions provided. Of course some teachers don’t believe in that and more victims arise each year.
On Dec. 1, 2016 a female teacher was fired due to her whipping a twelve-year-old girl with an electrical wire. Another female student recorded the whole incident and stated, “they were arguing and then when she got up to run, the teacher starter whipping her with the wire.” The young girl received welts and bruises on her legs and behind.
Another incident happened on Aug. 16, 2016 when a teacher hit a Special Ed student with a wooden ruler. The principal of East North Street Academy stated the teacher used the ruler as discipline when the autistic student didn’t pay attention or follow rules. The mother, in denial, decided to test the incident herself by doing a little experiment. While her son was doing homework she pulled out a wooden ruler and her son automatically got scared and held out his hands.
Child abuse cases in schools become more frequent and some teachers lack the knowledge of boundaries. Some teachers forget that they’re authority only goes so far and they’re in no position to administer their own discipline. Their actions are not only illegal, but a teacher can cause mental and physical damage that can affect a child’s development.
The classroom and schools are supposed to be a safe learning environment. If a student gets hurt in school, then it is no longer safe and becomes a feared environment. Hopefully, there will be little to no cases of abusive teachers in the near future to ensure a safe learning environment of the children.