Adrian’s Mind-Bending Quiz! (The White House)
Test Your Knowledge!

In honor of the presidential election and the departure of President Barack Obama from the White House, I bring you yet another quiz. The White House is a symbol of Americana and everyone knows what it looks like. The entire world is paying attention to one of the most controversial elections in U.S. History. The controversy revolves around the presidential candidates, who argue against each other with remarks, scandals, and lunacy. The election is now between Hillary Clinton, who might be the first female president or Donald Trump, who has a limited experience with government. For many people, they are hearing closely to what the candidates are saying and what qualifications the candidates need to be elected for presidency. To me, the next president is going to decide the future of the United States. Also, the next president is going to enter into a piece of American culture and live there for the next four or eight years.
For this quiz, I want to know how much you know about the presidential palace and see if you have the brains to potentially live in the White House. Good luck and LET’S GET TO THE QUIZ!
If you have any requests on future topics on quizzes, email me at [email protected].