Trump vs. Clinton: Presidential or Not?
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton went head to head in a debate on September 26, 2016. Each attacked the other’s faults and downplayed their own shortcomings. After watching the debates, I questioned whether or not Donald Trump was even a good candidate for president.
Hillary Clinton does have her faults: (for example, using a personal e-mail to communicate government business), but she did admit to her mistake during the debate. She remained calm throughout the debate and respected Trump by not interrupting him. Each question asked was answered thoroughly and carefully. Hillary is guilty of attacking Trump, but she was fact checked every time she spoke and was correct each time, unlike Trump. Throughout the debate she chose to discuss the future and only addressed the past when accused of a wrongdoing. She has not displayed inappropriate behavior worth publishing since 2015 when her e-mail scandal was released. Clinton has no history of financial fraud, whereas Trump has been accused of not paying taxes for more than ten years. She extends her sincerity to woman more than Trump by creating a safer plan for abortion with the company Planned Parenthood. I fully support Clinton with her proposals because she wants to provide more assistance to the lower class, and I see that as noble of her.
On the other hand, Donald Trump’s split personality throughout the debate alarmed many. He began calm and collected, allowing Clinton to answer each question, but by the end was rudely interrupting her and indirectly attacking her. He accused her of not having the power to create new jobs and not possessing the needed “stamina.” The fact that the two candidates were there for a political debate was self-explanatory, so what does stamina have to do with running a country? Halfway through the debate he began to raise his voice and continuously interrupted the mediator asking the questions. He ignored the questions regarding his racial lawsuits and answered with how he built his first corporation. He refers to immigrants as “aliens” and claims a wall must be built to create separation. A man with this level of intolerance: who could trust him with nuclear codes? Who’s to say he won’t declare nuclear war on a country who’s citizens he believes excessively immigrate to the United States? In the past, he made a disturbing comment about politics saying, “One of they key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.” Isn’t becoming the president part of politics? Is he implying he isn’t a good person? During the debate on October 10, 2016, Trump constantly attacked Clinton with the past of her cheating husband Bill Clinton. Where is the correlation between her cheating husband and her possibly becoming president?
Being a live viewer, it was clear who was more prepared for the role of commander-in-chief, and it was not Trump.