The Success of HMSA’s College and Book Fairs
Last month, HMSA held two very important events, to which both brought much success to our school. These events were the College Fair and the Book Fair.
HMSA students had the opportunity to go to the Book Fair held in the HMSA library. The fair, available from Sept. 19 to Sept. 23, was arranged by Ms. Enger and Ms. Kratz. The library was filled with an array of different genres of books, magazines, and novelty items. The genres included mostly popular YA novels, such as the “Harry Potter” series or the “Miss Peregrine’s” series. However, the fair also provided a wide selection of cookbooks, comics, and novels that are used for in-class reading assignments. It was a huge success as the fair attracted many students to come in and take a gander at all items the fair possessed. The fair was open various times throughout the week, such as lunch and after school, but most importantly, it was open on Back to School Night. At this after school event, students and their parents were able to tour the fair and purchase any items they wanted to buy. Although this fair was short-lived it served its purpose: gathering plenty of visitors and raising money for new library books.
Also, the college fair took place earlier last month and many took the advantage of attending this informative event. Students were given the opportunity to explore out of state colleges and universities, and to ask any questions they might’ve had to the school representatives. Here, students visited each college’s section and received brochures from the college to help decide if the school was right for them. I asked Senior Erick P. what he thought of the event overall: “I thought it was very insightful because not a lot of people know about out of state colleges. Many think that because it is out of state, it costs a lot of money, but that is not the case.” All who attended this event, received a free dress pass for their interest in attending this significant occasion.
All in all, both the college and book fair attracted many students and succeeded in getting students thinking about lifelong learning.