Every Day Is Earth Day
Turkey day, presents day, fireworks day, bunny day. What’s next?
Earth Day. Earth Day is tomorrow April 22, 2016.
According to Earthday.org, April 22, 1970 was the first ever Earth Day. Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day, wanted to inform people of the growing threat of pollution. This day united people from all backgrounds and political parties to support one cause: save our home.
Twenty years later, Earth Day was recognized all over the world. According to Earthday.org, 200 million people in 141 countries took part in Earth Day in the 1990’s.
The marches and advocates accomplished getting the government to pass laws and create organizations. During this time, the Vietnam War was causing a lot of tension between the government and citizens. According to History.com, resentment against the Vietnam War fueled people’s desire to help the planet.
What can people do to participate in Earth Day? No sign ups or payments are required. HMSA students provided ways to support the Earth:
- Senior Noe M. suggests “[recycling] instead of throwing things away.”
- Sophomore Fortune S. proposes “[watering] trees around you.”
- Senior Kamera F. takes the creative path and recommends “[making] cool/artistic creations out of recycled stuffs, [making] a big globe out of cans, (and) [going] around the school and [gathering] people for city cleanup.”
Try to help our planet in some way on Earth Day! Hopefully these beneficial projects become a daily routine. Earth Day is meant to inspire, not to be the one day where Earth’s health is acknowledged.