Nancy Reagan Dies At 94
Nancy Reagan was a former First Lady of the United States. She was married to former President Ronald Reagan. Mrs. Reagan died on March 6, 2016 at 94 years old.
According to CNN, she passed away from congestive heart failure in her Los Angeles, California home. She is survived by Patti Davis, Ron Reagan, Michael Reagan (stepchild), and her grandchildren.
Mrs. Reagan was born as Anne Frances Robbins in New York City in 1921. She soon moved to Chicago and eventually took the name Nancy Davis. She then moved to Hollywood and signed with MGM Studios, the largest and most glamorous film studio of the time. She took part in 11 films between 1949 and 1956. In 1949 during Hollywood’s Red Scare, Reagan was mistaken as a communist sympathizer. One of Reagan’s friends arranged a meeting for her and the president of the Screen Actors Guild, mister Ronald Reagan.

On March 4, 1952, Nancy and Ronald Reagan were married in Los Angeles, just three years after their initial meeting. Throughout their time together, Mrs. Reagan was devoted to her husband. He was always her first priority. Mr. Reagan’s assassination attempt in March of 1981 shook up his wife terribly. She would not leave his side until he was out of the hospital. When Mr. Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1994, his wife tended to his every need. After his death, Mrs. Reagan was a strong protector oh her husband’s legacy.
Nancy Reagan was a very active First Lady. She was incredibly influential in the 1980s during her husband’s presidency. She is most well-known for her “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign. She remained active despite her health conditions. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1987 and underwent a mastectomy. However, she continued to promote anti-drug ideals around the country.

Nancy Reagan was buried yesterday, March 17th, at the “Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, next to her husband.” Public individuals were able to pay their respects at the library prior to the burial service. Mrs. Reagan has also asked that donations be made to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Foundation instead of purchasing flowers for her.
Michelle Obama was in attendance. She was accompanied by California’s Governor, Jerry Brown. George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, also attended. Current presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton was also in attendance.
Nancy Reagan, woman extraordinaire, will never be forgotten.