Gay-Straight Alliance
HMSA has yet again created a new club to benefit students. We have a wide variety of clubs that include MESA, Key Club, SLAM, Environmental, and a few more. Now, we have a new one to offer.
HMSA proudly introduces the Gay-Straight Club. This club is all about coming out with your true sexuality and helping those who need help doing so. Students have the opportunity to share their stories and struggles, and simply help others. Everyone is welcome; there are no restrictions whatsoever.
Ms. Bui and a brave HMSA student decided to create this club and it’s looking to be a huge success due to so many students wanting to join. If anyone is having trouble with their sexuality, struggling with speaking to friends or family about it, or just need someone to talk to, this club is for them. Nothing negative will come and everything stays within the group if requested. Be on the lookout for this new club!

After observing HMSA students’ behaviors towards different sexualities, they are on the right track. Students demonstrate a positive attitude towards different sexualities. When interviewing a student (who wanted to remain anonymous), she stated that having a club like this personally makes her feel better because she knows the school is tolerant and not judgmental. She feels as if she can be herself and feels safe knowing no one will bully her. Also, she felt this new club opens up a door to more friendships.
After contacting students at different schools, such as Da Vanci Science and Design, Lawndale High School, Torrance, Hawthorne High School, and El Segundo High School, students stated that no clubs similar to the Gay-Straight Club have been created. The club makes HMSA very unique considering no other school has a club like this.