The Shannara Chronicles – Recap: “Reaper” and Pykon” (1×05 and 1×06)
Hello, welcome back and I hope you are ready because every episode of the Shannara Chronicles gets better and better and episode 5 didn’t disappoint. Episode 5 on the Shannara Chronicles aired on January 26, 2016.
In episode 4 Challenging was meant to kill Amberle, but it was shown that he couldn’t be able to do so. Dagda Mor ,the other demon is infuriated that Challenging wasn’t t able to complete this task. Challenging to make up for this failure tells Dagda Mor that he will go back and this time try to make Allanon look bad in front of everybody. Meanwhile, Wil, Amberle, Crispin ,Eretria and some guards are on their way to Safehold. Wil and Amberle not trusting Ertetria , chain her hands to avoid her from escaping. Wil feeling bad, suggests to unchain Eretria, but Amberle doesn’t agree with this arrangement. Could Amberle be jealous? Will just have to see.
Wil later talks to Amberle about not getting mad because he is not in Eretria’s side and apologizes to her for sleeping with Eretria. Amberle just declines his words, which lets us thinking that she might be taking the Ellcrys’s advice. In the previous episode the Ellcrys told her to hold her feelings and avoid other people’s feelings towards her. Out of no where the Rovers come out and with them is Eretria’s step father. The Rovers once again take the Elfstones and this time they take Amberle as well. The others are left tied and Eretria’s step father hopes that they would be eaten by wolves. Wow, didn’t know wolves ate elves.
Eretria of course being in the Rovers side refuses to let Amberle go, although Amberle offers her more money but Eretria ignores her offer. Eretria’s step father tries to take advantage of Amberle, but surprisingly Eretria saves her. Eretria then gets hold of the Elfstones to take back to Will, who was left tied up and suggests to take her step father with them. Her reasoning is that if they take her step father with them ,then they will know where he is and won’t do anything against them. When Eretria and Amberle arrive back to where Will was tied up, they see wolves attacking and their next victim was Wil since they had already killed the rest. They end up saving Wil of course because how could the main protagonist possibly die?
As they continue to their destination, they encounter a poisonous wasteland and know that it isn’t convenient to go through there because it could kill them. Then, they get to the fort where they are suppose to met their guide, but little do they know who really is there at the fort. The Reaper suddenly comes out and Wil tries to use the Elfstones again to stop it, but isn’t able to make the Elfstones work. Wil and the other’s last option is to run from the Reaper as fast as possible. Eretria’s step father ,who was let free because of the demon, is able to kill the Reaper.
Back in Eventine’s kingdom, he is killed by his son Arion, who is Amberle’s uncle as well. Arion kills him by stabbing him with a sword. It wasn’t Arion who killed his father though. Inside Arion is actually Challenging ,who has taken form in Arion’s body. Challenging then proceeds to go into Eventine’s body and takes the place as the Elven King. This doesn’t sound good at all.
Do you want more? Well here you go. Episode 6 of the Shannara Chronicles aired February 2, 2016. Episode 6 starts off by Amberle having a dream with Wil, which assures us that Amberle does have feelings for Wil after all. Unfortunately, when Amberle wakes up, she has to face the reality. They decide to get to Wilderun by going through Pykon. In another scene we see how the Reaper comes back to live, letting us know that he isn’t dead after all. When they get to Pykon, they encounter Mag and Remo, her father.
Remo ends up trying to attack Amberle, but Wil saves her. After Wil saves her, they share their first kiss,which too me was too much to handle at this point. Wil apparently killed Remo, but later Remo throws a bow at them, which Mag prevents from hitting Wil by getting in the way. The bow hits Mag instead and kills her. They end up killing Remo for real this time.
Anyhow, in Arbolon in the Elven Kingdom, the demons are taking over by taking form in other people’s bodies. The Challenging in Eventine’s body sends his son Arion to find some type of sword ,but little does Arion know that it’s Challenging giving him the instructions.
Arion goes on and does as commanded, but Allanon not liking the idea of the sword, tells Arion that it’s dangerous. Suddenly, Arion takes the sword and stabs Allanon.
The Reaper, who had followed their steps by now, meets them at Pykon. Again they try to fight the Reaper. Crispin unfortunately dies while trying to defeat it, but lets be honest he was kind of useless in this trip. Not being mean or anything. Will attempts to make the Elfstones work and is able to do so, but as the power of the Elfstones hit the Reaper, Eretria’s step father on the other side cuts the zip line. Wil , Amberle, and Eretria all fall with the Reaper.
That’s a wrap for today’s recaps and yes I know there were too many deaths in these two episodes,but I guess we can only wait and see who else dies. Hopefully not Wil, Amberle, or Eretria.