ASB Did It Again: Winter Formal Was a Success
Students dancing the night away.
March 4, 2016
On the Friday evening of January 29, a good chunk of well-dressed HMSA students attended the fun-filled night known as Winter Formal.
The event was located on the third floor of the Lawndale Community Center. Upon entering the banquet room, the color blue seemed to flourish throughout the room and it felt as if students were truly in a winter wonderland. The tables were beautifully decorated with large centerpieces and decorations were placed strategically all over the room. The massive food table contained an array of various foods that included chicken, salad, rice, pasta, and bread. Also, the table offered a chocolate fountain and a group of delicious treats for dessert.
All attendees were scattered throughout the room: some were dancing, extensively eating, or just hanging around with friends in the balcony area. The large balcony area was glittered with lights and had multiple chairs so that students could enjoy the fresh gush of air. This area was also where many students went to take a break from dancing. When the night began to fall closer to midnight, more and more students took the dance floor. Students danced to various genres of music and everyone seemed to have a great time. The music choices were controlled by Senior Gerardo Sanchez.
The Juniors in ASB planned the unforgettable event. I asked one of the people in charge of this event, Katheryne Marquez, what it took to plan Winter Formal. She said “[ASB juniors] started planning around early November. It was very difficult because we disagreed and other times we just couldn’t find things in our budget.” Then, I asked her if all that planning was worth it after the turnout of the event: “I personally think it was worth it because seeing the place all pretty and people having fun made it worth it.”
When it was time to announce this year’s court, the lights went up and everyone listened intently. The winners included two people, a boy and a girl, from each class. The Freshmen’s Lady and Lord were Marian Torres and Derek Rodriguez. The Sophomores’ Duke and Duchess were Erick Mejia and Ashley Santoyo. The Juniors’ Prince and Princess were Jesse Cortez and Elizabeth Hernandez. Lastly, the Seniors’ King and Queen were Chris Esquivel and Janely Mercado. Congratulations to HMSA’s 2016 Court!
Alas, the night was nearing its end and it seemed as if it lasted for only an hour. Shoes were being put back on and sweaters were grabbed from the chairs, as everyone left the room. Despite the event being now in our past, I’m sure no one who attended will forget the laughter, singing, clapping, cheering, and genuine fun circulating throughout the room that night.