Reign – Review: “Our Undoing” (3×08)
After a long break from Reign I was looking forward to the fallout from the mid-season finale. I was not disappointed with the outcome, which was a turn of events I hadn’t even considered.
The individual plot threads of supporting characters this season finally intertwined and came together in a most emotive manner, bringing to the surface characters’ emotions for others that only us viewers were aware of. Someone close to Mary is carrying a secret (literally) that will change their life forever. Lola’s, Mary’s best friend, sacrifice for her family, despite having disowned her, is admirable, but I’m just hoping that now she’s in English court I’ll have to see less of her.
Mary faces banishment on the latest #Reign. Watch it for free now with the link in the bio!
English Queen Elizabeth’s spy, I mean ambassador, Gideon Blackburn is becoming a more prominent figure in French court and in Queen Mary’s life. Mary should learn to keep away from him, especially with Spain so close to becoming her ally and the grain shortage in Scotland, her country can’t afford to lose their assistance. With news of the famine in Scotland, and the corpses of the sick children brought to Mary directly from her people, I detect anger for Mary in her country. It’s not a good time for me to remember historically how this turns out, so I’ll block those memories out for now.
Catherine was done a great injustice this episode, being accused of the poisoning of her son is bad enough, but to be forced to nearly fleeing from her country and then having to go as far as she did to prove her innocence shows why she’s arguably the best character on the show. She’s tough as nails because of her experiences, whereas Mary has gone through quite a lot but not as much as Catherine. Their mother-daughter bond grows closer, even when it seems to be fading they seek the other out for comfort and receive it.
Although Catherine’s power struggle to become regent of France continues, I have an inkling that she won’t let anyone take the position from her after this episode. I look forward to the ensuing drama. I give this episode 4 of Mary’s diamond tiaras out of 5.