Humans of HMSA: Beza A.
“Hi, my name is Beza Ayalew and I’m a junior at HMSA. Some of my favorite pastimes are reading, specifically fiction and some historical fiction if a good book catches my eye. I am also really into different shows like Sherlock, Once Upon a time, and Jane the Virgin. Of my 3 years at HMSA, I’ve become adjusted to the strict system of log entries and finals, and to be honest they just got easier. This year might be a challenge with how close SAT and ACT tests are, but with the help of the friends I’ve made this year and for the last 3 years, I think I’ll be just fine. I’ve learned the best way to get through a hard class, especially through stressful classes like APs or through studying for tests is with a group of good friends, who I am very grateful for.”