Challenge Yourself These Holidays: Passport to Genres
A fun, new way to complete AR points!
The Harry Potter series.
Winter Break is quickly arriving and many Aviators are traveling this month. However, if you’re not physically traveling this month, you can still travel through the pages of a book. Ms. Jordan recently created the Passport to Genres challenge.
The Passport to Genres challenge is simple: read one book from each of six different genres, pass an AR test or complete a one-pager with Ms. Jordan, bring you genre passport to Ms. Jordan and get a stamp, then return your passport to Ms. Jordan once it is completely filled out. You will then be eligible to participate in a surprise activity at the end of the semester.
Remember, each book must be from a different genre of the following categories:
- Humor
- Mystery/Suspense
- Historical Fiction
- Travel/Adventure
- Award Winning
- Graphic Novel/Comic
Pick up a Passport to Genres from your English teacher to read the complete list. That’s all there is to it! You can now enjoy a relaxing Winter Break travelling through the pages of Middle Earth, Panem, or Hogwarts.
Ms. Jordan is very satisfied with the reading challenge. She wants students to “explore different literary genres” and broaden their reading palates. Many students and avid readers stick to what they’re comfortable with, but it’s important to explore different categories and become familiar with other genres. Readers won’t know if they enjoy a particular genre if they never try to experience it.
First semester ends January 15th, and the short time span may not be enough to read six books. However, the challenge will continue throughout second semester. It will end a couple weeks before the end of second semester (keep an eye out for the official date) to provide enough time for the special activity.
Even if you choose not to participate in the challenge, read something during the break. Reading is its own reward, and it’s one way to explore unique worlds and stories that you would otherwise never know.
Happy reading and enjoy your Winter Break, Aviators!