Finals, the most dreaded time of every semester. Although many people feel unprepared, studying always helps. Studying can be really easy for some and quite difficult for others. Luckily there are different techniques for studying that help every person focus in their own ways. The build up of stress can cause a lot of people to not know how to start, but we are here to help you find possible solutions.
Seniors at HMSA might have a better insight on how to study and what helps them; let’s see what some have to say. The seniors we interviewed were Mario Atlas, Yulie Garcia, Palsha Gurung, Jeneen Luna, and Angel Morales Vazquez. Each senior was asked a series of 5 questions: “What are some things you do to help you study for finals?”; “What place do you prefer studying that has the best environment for you?”; “Are there any techniques that you use to help you study?”; “Do you prefer to study alone or with friends? Why?”; “Are there any specific skills you use to study?”. Our most recommended techniques were the Pomodoro Technique, using a chalkboard, using flashcards, and of course doing your study guides.
Some of you have read our examples and wondered, what is the Pomodoro Technique? Basically, it’s a method where you manage time through studying and recess portions. First you must grab a writing utensil and a sheet of paper, set a timer for 25 minutes, and begin studying. Once the timer hits zero, put a checkmark on your paper, take a 5 minute break, and resume studying. Every checkmark equates to 1 Pomodoro. Once you hit 4 Pomodoros, your break can be longer. Follow this pattern to your liking (Read this to learn more in depth on how to use technique efficiently).
When asked what environments they prefer to study in, the majority said alone, in their kitchen, in their bedroom, or in the library. A few said they like to study with others around them because everyone can help each other with certain subjects and it makes the thought of studying more fun.
The seniors gave us some amazing ideas that can be helpful for others, but there are still other techniques to help you get through a long study session. Trending on social media platforms right now is the ice cup method. Influencers fill a cup with ice and use it as a timer for their studying, not allowing themselves to stop studying until after all the ice has completely defrosted. Although we have not personally tried it, most seem to find it very effective. Another method is the 8-8-8 method: 8 hours of study/school time, 8 hours of free time, and 8 hours of sleep. Many tend to find this as a successful method with helping manage their time and get their studies in. Plus, it helps fix their sleep schedules which could be a benefit to many students.
We hope these techniques help you to find success during this Final exam season.