In the beginning year of High School, freshmen tend to struggle or get nervous around their peers from the higher grade. Coming into a new school year gives them a lot of pressure when the amount of work gets to them. However, an important thing you must do is organize your backpack to find the right materials you need.
Step 1: Prepare materials outside of your backpack
When getting ready for school, have your materials that you’re going to take outside and ready for either Even or Odd Day. Knowing your schedule gives you an idea of what you will need for the day and you won’t forget to take what you need.
Step 2: Know what items you use the most
Constantly using an item could help you determine its placement and where it should go in your backpack. For example, using the same pencil everyday. You don’t need to put it in a pencil case. Instead, try keeping it in a place that is easy to access.
Step 3: Have a Binder/Folder for Easy Access
A binder/folder can help you organize your papers rather than shoving them down your backpack where it could be easily misplaced or crumpled. Organizing your papers is important because you might need to turn in your homework or use the paper another day. It’s recommended that you organize your papers by subject inside your binder for more easy access.
Step 4: Make use of backpack pockets
Although you have main zipper pockets for your backpack, always remember to make use of the small pockets in your backpack as well. Using the small pockets can help you access pencils, erasers, glue, etc easier than struggling to look for them in your pencil case.
Tips to keep in mind:
- Pencil cases carry items that aren’t often used but keep everything organized
- Folders are known as easy access for papers but they’re better used to keep track of homework to turn in or organize your subjects (limit 2 subjects)
- Side pockets on backpacks are used to carry your water bottle but they can also carry items you use everyday, like a lead pencil, they’re easy access
- Always carry your agenda book, it’s a useful tool to stay organized, you never know what teacher will give you a log entry for not having it