Bashing The Bachelor?
March 20, 2019
Many have a negative view about the ABC network’s The Bachelor’s premise: a man who has the leisure and pleasure of swooning over a gorgeous array of 25+ women for nearly 8 weeks. If anything, this bachelor is more of a womanizer. However, ABC strategically chose to highlight this year’s contentendor, Colton Underwood, for something that sets him apart: he’s a virgin. Doubts surround his unbelievable, yet honorable intentions, as he is a successful former NFL player, and quite easy on the eyes. Nonetheless, the program has proceeded with this central premise at its core for this season. A recurring question regarding Colton Underwood’s virginity becomes evident as the program progresses to the fantasy suites, where contenders and their heart throb Bachelor are thought to “get busy” as the season comes to nearly an end. The top three women are granted this somewhat spectacular compliment. The suite does not need to involve any physical activity, but it sure solicites it. Adding to the mystery and possibility, there are no cameras are mics allowed at that time. This year’s Bachelor’s virginity has never been a matter of religion, according to him, but a matter of love and intimacy for that special someone. Audiences can’t help but wonder if he was an adequate suitor for such a demanding event and extreme, like this show.
At times, the program is deemed as dehumanizing because woman are made to contend for the affection of a sole individual, as he gallivants with multitudinous women in the open. And yet, in this day and age of technology, a women’s intentions on The Bachelor may not be to become engaged nor find love. Rather, it may be to inherit something far more egotistical and gratifying—a larger following on social media, or the chance to become the next Bachelorette.