Interview with Christopher Emodi

Christian Alexander, Co-Editor-In-Chief

Who exactly is Christopher Emodi? Some of you may recognize that last name from his older sister, Angel, but he’s very much his own person.

The initial ASB Elections took place back in September, around the beginning of the school year, although some leftover positions included Secretary for the Class of 2021. So when this position was up for grabs again during the Special Elections, Christopher Emodi felt like he was up for the job, signed up, and dominated the competition. I wanted to know if he had any hesitations about running for Secretary for the first time:

“I was really busy at the time, and at first I wasn’t that interested. But after seeing that a lot of my classmates and friends ran, it convinced me to run also. Also, it was a free position, so I gave it a shot.”

I wanted to find out more about what role Christopher plays in ASB as the Secretary for the Sophomore class.

“Well, I’ve come in recently, but so far, we’ve planned Spirit Week, as well as some fundraising for the [food] that we sold after school. We’ve made them both with implementation plans, and now we’re working on the fundraiser for the Winter Catalogs in November & December.”

What is it like to be involved in ASB? In terms of it being a school commitment?

“I like it. I like that I’m involved in something that allows me to contribute to activities for the school.”

What’s one dirty little secret about ASB that no one outside of ASB would know about; spill your tea. (For those older folks out there, tea is just another word for gossip!)

“I don’t know, I feel like there’s some tension between some of the members, and it becomes evident during some meetings.”

Tension between…?

“A couple of people.”

I understand and appreciate Christopher’s lack of bias about ASB tea, as he doesn’t want to get involved in matters that aren’t his business. Now that’s discipline: he doesn’t even want to stick his nose into pointless high school drama.

As a representative of his class, it’s no surprise that Christopher is a hardworking and dedicated student. To my surprise, he actually manages to juggle both a school life while also making sure to have fun on the weekends. What a guy!

“For fun, I try to go outside. I try to go to the park, maybe ride a bike, play basketball, and I also play video games, although I don’t have as much time anymore.”

If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would you bring with you, and why?

“I’d probably bring something useful, like something that involves fire. Maybe a fire-launcher. Flamethrower.”

Whether it’s thinking of how to sell pizzas, coming up with ideas for events like Intramurals, or even coming up with a smart way to defeat zombies, it’s clear that Christopher Emodi is a dynamic leader, set to bring a new host of ideas not just to the Class of 2021, but to the Student Body as a whole.