Effects of Technology

Stephanie Ibrahim, Staff Writer

Technology enables worldwide communication and it’s improving every single day. Technology allows people to have different ways of connecting with others. Ironically, a major downside to technology is an increase in isolation. Although technology helps people in their daily lives, it causes them to feel alone.

A study conducted 2006 showed that “Americans have become more socially isolated … and the diversity of whom they discuss important matters with has decreased” (Pew Research Center). Essentially, social media gives a false sense of social interaction.

Teenagers, overly dependent on  technology, isolate themselves. The International Center for Media and the Public Agenda proved that “most children and teens spend 75 percent of their waking lives with their eyes fixed in the screen… [and] students who [unplug] their electronic devices for one 24 hour period felt extremely lonely… (The Daily Universe). They spend so much time using technology that they are unable to function for a single day without their phones, ipads, tablets, etc. Technology has consumed people. Some people may not even notice they spend so much time using their phones or tablets because it is a part of their daily routine.

Face to face interaction is vital because it helps people develop social skills. Some people have thousands of friends on social media, but they don’t get the same connection and bond as those who have real and strong relationships, that take time to create. Therefore, people who use technology, specifically social media, feel lonelier.

However, there can be a happy medium between using technology and still socializing with others. For example, if you are spending time with others, put all your phones away and try to have a genuine conversation. Although this maybe hard at first, it will be fun later on. Personally, I feel very awkward when I don’t have my phone with me at social gatherings because it’s my way of escaping. But, losing that strong dependence on phones will help people begin to develop and improve their social skills, especially teens. 

Using technology to the point where it affects one’s social skills and his or her interactions with others is devastating. We need to grow out of our strong dependence on our phones, social media, and computers. It’s actually very simple; Next time you are at a social gathering try to set aside your phone and interact more with others.